1 Box GlutaLipo Juice +1 Box Gluta Coffee Combi! Weight Loss & Whitening


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Improves immune system. Boost energy. Anti-aging and improve Skin Elasticity. Gluta Lipo contains Garcinia Cambogia combined with L-Carnitine for effective and efficient way of fat burning.

All ingredients are proven to be safe and effective in aiding constipation and improving digestion.

It's  great for aiding weight loss, promoting regular bowel movement and digestive function, as well as keeping blood sugar levels normal.

GlutaLipo contains 12 Natural, Effective, Safe and Side effect Free main ingredients which are very valuable for Slimming, Whitening and Glowing of Skin plus Antioxidant health benefits to prevent diseases such as Cancer and delays signs of aging .

GlutaLipo detoxifies and cleanses the body specially the Colon or Big intestine and removes unnecessary waste and toxins leading to a smaller and more toned tummy .

How to Use:
  • Pour one sachet of the Gluta Lipo Coffee mix into a medium-sized glass.
  • Add 120ml to 150ml hot or cold water.
  • Stir and enjoy!



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