Beauche Beauty Bar Soap FACIAL & BODYSOAP 150g. Original


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Lightens skin tone. Use on both face and body. Can also be used to lighten dark areas such as: buttocks, inner thighs, underarms, elbow, knees, etc. Dries out pimples/acne.

Is It Effective?

Honestly, I was skeptical to try this soap because I thought it is not effective or it may worsen my skin condition but on the contrary it is effective. It lighten some of the acne marks and hyperpigmentation but it also lighten my skin which makes some of the acne marks more visible.

The gentle exfoliation properties of the formula may cause slight peeling in the first few applications. This peeling is very subtle and completely normal.


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  07804 638 471



Great, fast delivery, lovely tasting coffee – works wonders! I recommend to all.

Thank you for the item. Good communication from seller.

A+++++, remarkably pleased.

Fast delivery, excellent service. Thanks!



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