GlutaLipo 12 In 1 Dark Chocolate Gold Series 10 sachets.Original



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Gluta Lipo Dark Chocolate is made with natural ingredients that help reduce weight, burn fat, and give the skin a healthy, radiant glow.

All ingredients are proven to be safe and effective in aiding constipation and improving digestion.

One box of Glutalipo Signature Dark Chocolate includes 10 sachets inside.



  • Glutathione – an anti-cancer agent that helps in making your skin look brighter and fairer.
  • L-Carnitine – a detoxifying agent that aids in increasing metabolism.
  • Green Tea – another detoxifying ingredient that helps in cleansing the body from unwanted toxins.
  • Collagen – an anti-aging agent that improves elasticity of the skin.
  • Garcinia Cambogia – an ingredient that aids in weight loss by helping you curb your appetite.
  • Grape Seed Extract – an active ingredient that helps in decreasing bad cholesterol and controlling diabetes.
  • Mangosteen – a detoxifying ingredient.
  • Goji Berry – helps in improving total well-being.
  • Barley Grass – an ingredient that makes the immune system stronger.
  • Moringa - an ingredient that protects and nourishes the skin and hair
  • Buah Merah - an agent that contains omega 3 fatty acid, omega 6 fatty acid, dietary fiber, potassium, and sodium
  • Tongkat Ali - an ingredient that is used for herbal remedy
  • Psyllium Fiber - an ingredient that relieves constipation and lowers cholesterol and sugar levels
  • Chia Seeds - an agent that is high in quality protein which helps in losing weight


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Great, fast delivery, lovely tasting coffee – works wonders! I recommend to all.

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